

Product Details

product name:Enhanced abdomen belt

product material:Bamboo charcoal fiber, far infrared fiber, milk fiber

Benefits:The use of abdomen straps can enhance the curve of the waist and abdomen to the lower abdomen. It can not only promote the contraction of the uterus, prevent the viscera from sagging, tighten the loose abdomen, but also help the body function slowly recover.

Product Size:Can be customized by drawing / contracting materials / one-stop service

The abdomen is the place where postpartum women are most likely to cause body deformation. Due to the excessive extension of the abdomen during childbirth, 100% of postpartum women's abdomen relaxes. This loose abdominal muscles and enlarged uterine cavity are not timely Rehabilitation can easily lead to fat accumulation and the formation of many gynecological diseases, which not only affects the appearance, but also the culprit of post-natal body deformation and many diseases. The high-quality abdominal belt has a good effect of helping to shrink the abdomen. The functional abdomen belt is not only It helps to shrink the abdomen and has a better effect. It has good effects on the recovery of the postpartum uterus and birth canal, the removal of postpartum lochia, and the relief of abdominal pain.

Fat is flowing within 6 months after delivery, and is the best time to reshape your body.

Abdominal band is essential for the recovery of mother's body shape. Using abdomen band can enhance the curve of waist and abdomen to lower abdomen. Function slowly recovered.


1 、 Before using the abdomen belt, we must first pay attention to chemical fiber stimulation. Some abdominal belts are made of chemical fiber materials. This type of abdominal belt is not only uncomfortable to use, but also has an unpleasant bad smell, which will irritate the skin For the respiratory tract, you should pay attention to the instructions of the OEM products in the body shaping clothes.

2 、 Abdomen postpartum is most afraid of tight wrapping, especially large and heavy abdominal belts and gauze bandages. It is easiest to wrap too tightly, which is not only uncomfortable, but also affects blood circulation and compresses gastrointestinal and internal organs , Be sure to use this type of abdominal belt.

3. In order to enhance the effect of abdomen, some mothers wear it for 24 hours. Long-term wear can consolidate the shaping effect, but pay attention to the type of abdomen belt to prevent it from being too tight Compression of internal organs, affecting blood circulation, affecting sleep.
